Wayne J. Colton
(210) 222-8455

Patents Trademarks Copyrights

Registered Patent Attorney

  • U.S. and international utility and design patent applications
  • Medical, mechanical, electrical, software, ornamental designs and many other type inventions
  • Invention protection strategies for product or process development
  • Patent license and purchase agreements
  • Patent litigation and USPTO administrative proceedings
  • Patent novelty searches
  • Patentability, validity and infringement opinions

Learn About Patents ...

Trademark Attorney

  • Federal, Texas and international trademark applications
  • Advice regarding adoption and proper use of trademarks
  • Trademark searches and registrability opinions
  • Trademark license agreements
  • Trademark and business purchase agreements
  • Trademark litigation and USPTO cancellation and opposition proceedings
  • Stopping gray market and infringing imports at the U.S. border

Learn About Trademarks ...

Copyright Attorney

  • Copyright protection strategies
  • U.S. copyright registrations
  • Agreements for the sale, gift or license of copyrights
  • Terminations of prior copyright transfers and licenses
  • Copyright litigation
  • Preventing U.S. import of infringing works
  • Artists’ rights to attribution and integrity

Learn About Copyrights ...

Intellectual Property Related Matters

  • Protection and theft of trade secrets; unauthorized access to computer systems
  • Confidentiality agreements and noncompetition agreements
  • False advertising; business disparagement and injury to business reputation
  • Interference with business relations
  • Publishing agreements

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© 2024 Wayne J. Colton, Inc.
San Antonio, Texas